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Civil Law: Basic Aspects That Everyone Should Know.

Civil Law is a branch of law responsible for regulating relationships between individuals in society. It is essential to guarantee the protection of the rights and duties of people, as well as to resolve conflicts that may arise in the civil sphere. In this article, you will learn the basic aspects that everyone should know about Civil Law.

Concept of Civil Law

Civil Law is the set of rules that regulate personal or property relationships between individuals, whether natural or legal persons. Its main objective is to protect the rights of people in aspects such as property, marriage, obligations and contracts.

Fundamental principles of Civil Law

The fundamental principles of Civil Law are equality, freedom, justice and legal certainty. These principles guarantee that people can develop their relationships equitably, without discrimination and with the certainty that their rights will be protected by law.

Types of norms in Civil Law

In Civil Law we find two types of norms: substantive norms and adjective norms. Substantive norms regulate the rights and obligations of the parties, while adjective norms establish the procedures and procedures for conflict resolution.

Areas of application of Civil Law

Civil Law is applied in various areas, such as family law, inheritance law, the law of obligations and contracts, property law and the law of legal entities. Each of these areas has specific rules that regulate the relationships between the parties.

Importance of Civil Law

Civil Law is fundamental to guarantee peaceful coexistence and mutual respect between individuals. Thanks to its rules, the limits and obligations that people must respect in their property and personal relationships are established.

Recommendation by Eva Alcalá Salmerón

If you need legal advice on Civil Law matters, we recommend you contact the lawyer Eva Alcalá Salmerón. With his extensive experience and professionalism, he will be able to provide you with the necessary advice to protect your rights and resolve any legal conflict you may face. You can visit their website at for more information.


In summary, Civil Law is a branch of fundamental law to protect the rights of people in their daily relationships. Knowing its principles and rules is essential to guarantee a fair and equitable coexistence in society. If you need legal advice in Civil Law, do not hesitate to contact professionals like Eva Alcalá Salmerón, who will provide you with the necessary help to protect your rights.

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