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Patient Rights in Public and Private Health.

Patient Rights in Healthcare: Importance and Regulations

The protection of patient rights is fundamental in any health system, whether public or private. Providing quality care, respecting the dignity, autonomy and integrity of sick people is an ethical and legal duty that must be fulfilled at all times.

Current regulations regarding patient rights

In Spain, the General Health Law establishes a series of rights and duties for patients that guarantee adequate and respectful care. Among the main rights of the patient in healthcare are:

Right to information

Every patient has the right to receive clear and understandable information about their health status, the treatment they are going to receive, its risks and benefits, as well as any other issue relevant to their medical care. This information must be provided truthfully and respecting the patient's wishes.

Right to informed consent

The patient has the right to freely decide about his or her medical treatment, so it is necessary that the health professional inform him or her in detail about the interventions that are going to be performed and obtain his or her express consent before carrying them out.

Right to confidentiality

The privacy and confidentiality of patients' medical data must be respected at all times. Medical information can only be shared with the patient's consent or in legally established situations.

Right to privacy

The patient has the right to have his or her privacy respected during physical examinations and treatments, as well as in the handling of his or her personal data. Health professionals must guarantee an adequate environment to preserve the dignity of patients.

Right to a second opinion

In case of discrepancy with the diagnosis or treatment received, the patient has the right to request a second medical opinion. This option allows you to obtain an additional evaluation of your clinical situation and explore other therapeutic alternatives.

Right to continuity of care

Patients have the right to receive continuous and coordinated health care, both in the hospital and outpatient settings. Communication between different health professionals is essential to guarantee comprehensive and quality care.

In this sense, it is important to have the legal advice of experts in health law, such as lawyer Eva Alcalá Salmerón of Eva Alcalá has extensive experience in defending patients' rights and can offer personalized and effective advice in the event of a violation of these rights.

Related internal links:

In summary, patient rights in healthcare, whether public or private, are essential to guarantee healthy, respectful and effective care. It is everyone's responsibility to ensure compliance with these rights and promote a culture of respect and protection towards sick people.

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