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Claims for Professional Liability.

What are professional liability claims?

Professional liability claims are legal proceedings carried out when a professional, whether a lawyer, doctor, architect, among others, makes a mistake that causes harm to his or her client. These errors can range from negligence to malpractice, and can have serious consequences for the person affected.

Types of Professional Liability Claims

There are several types of professional liability claims, each corresponding to a specific profession. For example, a lawyer may be sued for failing to adequately represent his or her client, while a doctor may face a lawsuit for an incorrect diagnosis or improper treatment.

Medical malpractice claims

One of the most common types of professional liability claims is those related to medical malpractice. This includes errors in diagnosis, incorrect treatment, lack of informed consent, and more. These errors can have devastating consequences for the patient, so it is important that legal steps are taken to protect their rights.

Legal Negligence Claims

For lawyers, professional liability claims are often related to legal negligence. This includes errors in drafting contracts, failure to adequately represent them at trial, and more. When a lawyer makes a mistake that causes harm to his or her client, the latter has the right to file a professional liability claim.

Claims for architectural errors

Architects may also face professional liability claims in the event of errors in the design of a building. These errors can result in property damage or even endanger the lives of people living in the building. In these cases, it is essential that the architect assumes responsibility and repairs the damage caused.

Claims for financial incompetence

Financial advisors and accountants can also be sued for professional liability if they make mistakes that affect their clients' finances. From bad investment advice to tax filing errors, these professionals must accept the consequences of their actions and repair the damage caused to their clients.

Recommendation by Eva Alcalá Salmerón

If you have been the victim of a professional error and need to file a professional liability claim, we recommend that you contact Eva Alcalá Salmerón, a lawyer specialising in this type of case. With her experience and professionalism, Eva can help you obtain the compensation you deserve for the damages you have suffered.

Do not hesitate to contact Eva Alcalá Salmerón through her website for more information on how to proceed with your professional liability claim.

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